Ulazak pasa koji se smatraju opasnima / The entry of dogs that are considered dangerous


Zakonodavna osnova:

1. Zakon o zaštiti životinja (Narodne novine 102/17 i 32/19)
2. Pravilnik o opasnim psima (Narodne novine, broj 117/08).
Člankom 2. Pravilnika o opasnim psima propisano je da je opasan pas:
(a) bilo koja jedinka te vrste, podrijetlom od bilo koje pasmine koja je:
– ničim izazvana, napala čovjeka i nanijela mu tjelesne ozljede ili ga usmrtila,
– ničim izazvana napala drugog psa i nanijela mu teške tjelesne ozljede,
– uzgajana i/ili dresirana za borbe pasa ili zatečena u organiziranoj borbi s drugim psom;
(b) pas pasmine terijera tipa bull koji ne potječe iz uzgoja iz kontroliranog uzgoja (pit bull terijer) i njihovi križanci.
Kontrolirani uzgoj terijera tipa bull (stafordski bull terijer, američki stafordski terijer, bull terijer i mini bull terijer) dokazuje se rodovnicom izdanom od Hrvatskoga kinološkog saveza, a u slučaju stranih državljana, odnosno pasa koji iz drugih država ulaze na područje Repubilike Hrvatske rodovnicom izdanom od kinološkog saveza jedne od zemalja članica Međunarodne kinološke organizacije (FCI).
Zabrana provoza, unošenja i privremenog boravka na području Republike Hrvatske pasa pasmine terijera tipa bull koji nisu upisani u registar Međunarodnog kinološkog saveza (FCI) (pit bull terijeri) i njihovih križanaca propisana je člankom 11. istog pravilnika.
Ne postoje zapreke provoza, unošenja i privremenog boravka na području Republike Hrvatske  za sve ostale pasmine i njihove križance.
 Outline of Croatian laws and regulations concerning dangerous dogs.
  1. Animal Protection Law (Official Gazette 135/06; 37/13)
  2. Ordinance on the Dangerous Dogs (Official Gazette no. 117/08).
 According to article 2. of Ordinance on the Dangerous Dogs it is stipulated:
a. dangerous dog is any individual dog, originated from any breed, that has:
- attacked a man without any provocation and during this attack has inflicted injuries or killed the man or
- attacked another dog without any provocation and during this attack has inflicted severe injuries to the other dog or
- been breed and/or trained for dog fights or caught in organized dog fights.

 b. Any dog breed of the bull terrier-type that does not originate from the controlled breeding registered in accordance with the rules of the International Canine Organizations (FCI) (considered as pit bull terrier) and its hybrids (cross bred).
 Also, article 11 of the same Ordinance stipulates:
The transit, entry and temporary stay on the Croatian territory is forbidden for all the bull-type terriers not registered in accordance with the FCI rules (pit bull terrier) and also for all their hybrids (cross bred) types.
 Since the controlled origin is evidenced by  the pedigree, all bull terrier-type dogs: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Bull Terrier and Miniature Bull Terrier which do not possess a pedigree issued by the Kennel Club of one of the member countries of the International Canine Organizations (FCI) are considered to be pit bull terriers and dangerous dogs.
 There are no barriers to transit, entry and temporary stay on the Croatian territory for all other breeds and their hybrids (cross breads).

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